Men dont care if women have a successful career. They just want someone who is loyal and supportive. Many girls in their early years want to work on their career and explore all the options available to them… Wasting their best years to find a good guy. Divorce is also a huge factor for men.

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The one man I dated since divorce was able, I am guessing with drugs, and I was a little concerned about his heart health from it!!! I have read that it can be as much fun for the man even without the raging erection… and flushing and dizziness etc. I am a man 60 years old separated 8 months I’m looking for a woman in her mid to upper 50s I’m interested in dating my own age group. Hi, I am 72, wid0wer, my wife had been sick for 10 years, some time at home, then a Care Home, then a Nursing home.

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Brilliant and I can relate so much to you. So when women over 60 wonder why its hard to find a man THEY are at a bar drinking. Most men are not interested in seeing a Doctor to get that fixed. I told my man friend to do that and he looked at me like i insulted him.

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As I get really old I wonder what I am doing. I feel almost embarrassed by my choices in life. I work out regularly and one question I get asked is my age. I do not post a lot of pictures of me but I do have an 8 pack, veins exposed everywhere and shredded.

I’m 48, recently divorced (2 months?) after a 24 year marriage, and I am single for the first time since I was 14. I have been getting sex in some form since my early teens and living without it right now is super tough! What I’m finding though is that I’m able to do more for others than I ever was before. For example, I’m writing this when normally I would never try and help someone out.

When it comes to messaging, men who like older woman have a slight advantage. The older men get, the younger the women they match with are. Though men are often attracted to women up to 10 years younger than them, the women they match with tend to be only 1 to 3 years younger.

I view my job at this stage, being to help my three kids save for their first houses. I am praying that developing myself and my other healthy relationships will be attractive enough. I sure hope so, and I love John Gottman adapted for dating and singles, so it will be authentic if/when. You will find someone, men are not all the same.

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“And men who aren’t people of color are not that attracted to black women.” She recently stopped using one dating site for this reason. “They were sending me all white men,” she said. While most of the online dating services offer their structure for a profile, some don’t. Thus you need to create a structure for your profile on your own. The most logical thing is to start with your profile picture.

I think it is more that your path has not crossed yet with that woman who is perfect for you. The timing of these things is not always our timing. Just keep on keeping on, have faith, and continue to pursue activities that have meaning for you.

Sign up and browse profiles of mature men looking for a relationship. Social media websites are also perfect options if you are looking to connect with people globally. You can join older men groups to find compatible guys. Stop bothering yourself with the thought of where to meet older men.

A lot of men of all ages where I live are one or more….overweight, smokers, drug addicts, don’t groom their facial hair….just plain lazy and couldn’t care less. I have met a few intelligent and seemingly nice guys online, but they live far away, even in other countries. Finding a good local man is a lost cause, at least around here, and even when I do find one he has a ton of baggage or he just doesn’t trust enough to try a relationship again. Nobody’s perfect, I get that….but perfection is far from what I am looking for. I’d like to get a new relationship, but all of the posts above talk about men who have a good job and are healthy. I can’t keep a job now because if I’m put under stress for any length of time I’m bedridden for weeks until I recover.

But I think a guys who is always looking for women much younger aren’t really worth being with as a contemporary anyway. I realize the idea of that type of commitment these days makes men like deer in headlights. With that said, I’d be happy with an exclusive relationship with a man where we make each other a priority. A relationship where we don’t take each other for granted and can just enjoy the stability of a caring, affectionate partnership.

Take heart in the fact that I’m still out there looking for you, and I know of other women who also share the same view. It just appears that there are less of us today. Mark……I am truly sorry that the dating scene has gotten so bad that men feel the way you do. It must be one of the reasons why I can’t find a good guy like you. Men just don’t trust women anymore, and I can’t say that I blame them, judging by the stories I’ve heard here.