This guy’s Reddit post shows that if a girl seems to be out of his league, she’s both gorgeous and full of confidence, and he finds that intimidating. We always hear that if you want to be attractive to someone else, you have to be confident, so it’s a bit disheartening to know that some guys might find that tough to deal with. But, hey, that just means that we need to wait for someone who won’t find that intimidating and who will love how self-assured we are. This subreddit is a forum with questions that are supposed to be answered by men. One of the top posts on the subreddit asks what you are supposed to do when you find a girl with all the qualities you are looking for in a girlfriend, but you do not find her physically attractive. Commenters wrote that it is perhaps more important to pursue a friendship with this person and instead date someone that you are physically attracted to.

Lance Reddick will live on in more ‘performances to come’ in Destiny 2

Maybe we do enjoy hanging out at home a lot and watching TV or movies, but we have friendships that we keep up, we have families, and we have careers. We also have hobbies and interests and are cool, interesting people. We don’t happen to have a boyfriend right now, but who cares?!

It would be super boring otherwise and we would have nothing to talk about and different hobbies and interests. If we happen to come from a family with money, hopefully, we’re not snobby about it because no one likes that, but it’s just realistic to assume that if we dated a poorer guy, he might feel insecure about it. We might love him and have no problem dating him but the class differences might make it impossible to be together (or at least that’s how it seems in tons of movies).

They’re predatory grifters and they will actively make you way less appealing. „Great seducers” is such a massive red flag. In this context, confidence doesn’t mean bravado, machismo, or swagger. Having the ability to carry on a conversation and express yourself naturally. Confidence doesn’t necessary equal loudness, bravado or extroversion.

Reddit Personals /r4r: 3 Tips to Meet Someone Great

Speaking of dance, I am recently into Salsa, and Tango… I plan to become a fantastic dancer for the next time I find myself on an exotic island one night at a Tiki bar somewhere. I’m originally from the DC area, did my undergrad in NY, and Have lived in a few different cOuNtries. I have a car LOL… I racE cars on race trackS for fun.

I was taught Reiki in Romania, where I lived for two years. Avoided being bitten by vampires, but yes, they do have them there. The Never Ending Story, Ghostbusters, The Labyrinth, the Princess Bride. I love 80’s movies and I can dance the night away to 80s music.

No matter what your age, everyone loves a thoughtful compliment. Even if you’ve only dated people around your age in the past, why limit yourself now? Whether you’re recently divorced, widowed, or just haven’t found the right person yet, if you’re on the dating scene at the mid-life mark, you’re far from alone. According to Census data, more than a quarter of adults between the ages of 45 and 59 are single.

She is less interested in “playing the game” and shows her interest as soon as she knows that she is interested, but is tired of developing feelings for people that are not interested in a serious relationship. Though this post is more about venting, she asks her fellow redditors about their experiences with dating and if they are running into this same problem. Most of the users commiserated with the OP and told her not to settle for someone that is not as invested in the relationship as she is. Met a “nice guy” on Tinder, whom I was really into. I previously had never met someone that I had so much in common with, got along with, and was physically attracted to.

From your profile to your photos – and even all the messaging – the experts at VIDA will take care of everything. Lucky for you, there’s a much better way to meet those incredible women. It’s unique – Your profile needs to intrigue her in some way, so she wants to know more about you. If she’s curious, she’s much more likely to swipe right and write you back. Sticking to one or two sentences works best for handsome guys with ridiculously good photos.

Fourteen years ago, my best friend gave her twin brother my number. I had just gotten out of a 4 year long abusive relationship, and wasn’t looking for anything serious. Twin brother and I went on a date and have been inseparable ever since. We went to Starbucks one time and chatted, and in his head, that meant I was his possession, and he had the right to stalk me for a year. He tried to convert me to his religion and planned to propose when I turned 18. I thought I was an adult and could make my own choices, and upon reflection, I see that it was grooming.